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Audacity:a determining factor in company’s management

In a world facing such impressive cultural transformations as the application of AI in both everyday life and business, it is crucial that business leaders are truly entrepreneurial, and it is here and now that bold leaders are needed. Management excellence, which has until now been fundamental to the successful development of organisations, is no […]

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Directors will need to upskill as super funds become the new finance titans

As Australian Superannuation fund system matures into a pension system and become global investors , boards will be fiercely tested by these 4Ts. Boards will need evermore diverse experience and skill sets to deliver leading governance in a complex, hyper-competitive environment –our VUCA world. Who knew board chairs were miracle workers and master jugglers? Source […]

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Alexander Hughes expansion in the USA

Alexander Hughes is taking a major step forward with the strategic acquisition of DSML Executive Search in the United States. This expansion marks a critical milestone in Alexander Hughes’ global growth strategy, positioning the firm as the global executive search and leadership advisory firm of choice, while bringing a wealth of industry expertise to its […]

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Navigating the Minefield: Technology Challenges for Boards of Directors

Since 2021, a paradigm shift has been underway,projecting technology to the forefront of organizationaltransformation. The digitization of processes, coupledwith the imperative to swiftly adapt to evolving needsand work methodologies, has elevated the technologydomain beyond being a mere execution tool. Thus, itstands nowadays as an integral part of businessstrategy itself. Read more

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La movilización del talento

Paradigm shifts affect our customers and promote greater movement of talent in the marketplace. We have to be aware that we come from a VUCA environment : Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Read more

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Commercial talent is scarce

As is well known, the pandemic and the “great resignation” that followed, as well as the demographic evolution (progressive retirement of the boomers), are intensifying the so-called “battle for talent” which we have been talking about for the last 20 years. Irrespective of this post-pandemic context, which also affects the commercial function, there are specific […]

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The incalculable cost of not recognising the value of your best people

Talent drain is a problem that companies cannot ignore. Valuing, rewarding, developing and motivating high-performing employees is not only ethical, it is also a smart business strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of an organization. No doubt that investing in their talent is an investment in the future of the company. Read more

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Alexander Hughes Board Services Survey

Peter Dolan and Jean-Marie Simon, respectively head and co-head of the Board Services practice supervised in May 2023 a market survey with a leading International Business School with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the different dynamics of Boards. Read more  

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Together towards excellence

Companies that want to be competitive must learn to retain young talent and inexorably establish a bridge between generations. The pandemic taught us a great lesson, it was an unprecedented paradigm shift, and we are observing how in the post-pandemic some leaders, the most observant, those who see crises as opportunities, have learned the importance […]

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