
Human Capital and Assessment

Unlocking leadership potential and drive effective corporate culture with our tailored assessment solutions

Assessment through the lens of a Head-Hunter

Companies often declare, “Our human capital is our most valuable asset.” But how many truly nurture that capital?  In an increasingly challenging business climate, you need to have a solid understanding of the diversity and richness of skills within your organisation to be able to support and fully develop your employees.

At Alexander Hughes, we believe that performance stems from a combination of individual and team leadership competencies, effective team dynamics, and strong strategic alignment.

Our Human Capital Assessment services help organisations worldwide identify and develop leadership styles, team dynamics, and corporate cultures that drive sustainable business success. With in-depth knowledge of your industry, the “eye of the Executive Search professional” becomes a true competitive differentiator.

We can blend our mastery in detecting the “hard” skills for job role success with the mastery in behavioural science and methodology to develop the critical “soft” skills required for peak performance and long-term career success. 


A variety of solutions tailored to help your organization in the following areas

Assessing your current and desired future corporate culture

Our Human Capital services highlight the dominant behaviours thatt define your culture, whether intentional or not. Culture should align with strategy, not change for its own sake. Using cultural audit tools, we work with leadership to assess current versus desired culture along dimensions like flexibility, delegation, collaboration, and focus. As organizations review their vision and strategy, culture becomes vital for long-term success. We partner with leadership to consciously shift culture, fostering leadership that drives future growth.

Assessing & Developing Top Team Effectiveness

To evaluate your team’s effectiveness, we’ve developed our in-house methodology of team assessment based on our Executive Search’ unique expertise and “CLIENT-Fit”, a proprietary assessment solution. This unique approach uncovers top leadership team effectiveness and fosters the right changes for a productive corporate culture and collaborative teams. We design and facilitate team effectiveness workshops that shine a light on the level of dynamism, cohesion, the process of decision-making, risk-taking, and conflict resolution.

Assessing & Developing Leadership Skills

Our assessment solutions seamlessly integrate with your Human Capital initiatives, providing validated insights to support various situations, including high-potential selection, succession planning, post-merger integration, and organizational development. We assist with strategic restructuring, objective decision-making for recruiting and promotions, and enhancing talent development programs, such as diversity, inclusion, and women leadership initiatives.

The Client-Fit solution

In today’s world, learning professionals are increasingly asked to demonstrate the ROI of their leadership development efforts. What’s often missing is an initial, scalable, assessment phase that can easily be deployed from one to literally hundreds of participants. Our solution aligns individual aspirations, personal development plans, and business priorities for maximum impact.

We are far from a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Our industry-leading solution, CLIENT-Fit, is fully customizable to your specific organizational culture, values, and leadership model. And if you’re not sure what that is yet, then we can help you craft it and make it come alive. By replacing “CLIENT” with your company name, you’ll have a personalized assessment solution tailored to your needs.

Our CLIENT-Fit proprietary solution is backed by a database of over 7 million executives across 40 countries, enabling us to examine personality from every angle. By measuring the bright side (strengths), dark side (leadership derailers), and inside (values and motivations) of personality, CLIENT-Fit achieves the highest level of predictive validity in the industry.  The data is simplified with a “compass” that links it to your organizational culture.

CLIENT-Fit takes that predictive power to an even higher level by revealing:

  • Agility: the capacity to adapt one’s leadership style to diverse situations
  • Emotional stability: excelling in resilience in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)
  • Energy: the ability to enthuse and inspire teams
  • Cultural fit: revealing the “fitness” with a target culture and leadership model
  • Leadership potential: predictive power to reveal your future leaders

Our consultants are also highly equipped in accompanying senior leaders on a tailored executive coaching programme. This turns their enhanced behavioural insight into greater personal fulfilment, leading to sustainable individual, team and organisational performance.

So if you’re ready to implement a leadership assessment and development strategy and shape your culture for future growth, our Human Capital Assessment team of experts is your partner for success.