

Alexander Hughes Dakar

Address:Immeuble Xeewel, 15 Boulevard El Hadji Djily Mbaye, Dakar 22352
Tel:+221 33 825 34 25
Contact the office
With its 10 integrated offices across Africa with a team of around 40 consultants, Alexander-AfricSearch is the only global recruitment firm with such a presence, offering its clients who operate in Africa unparalleled proximity to local expertise.

Historically well-established in the French-speaking countries of sub-Saharan Africa, AfricSearch boasts unmatched expertise, a local network, and a stellar reputation.

Alexander Hughes serves numerous international clients, many of whom have interests in Africa or aim to establish them.

Together, the two firms combine African expertise with the capabilities of over 50 offices spread across five continents, offering a leading position in the high-level recruitment market in Africa.


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In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, Alexander Hughes is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of your personal data. Our data policy outlines the personal information we collect, how we manage and secure it, and your rights regarding your data.